[N8VEM-S100:7278] Announcement of new 8-bit memory board with many optional add-ons
Bob Bell
2015-06-20 23:54:22 UTC
Here are the KiCAD schematics of the new 8-bit board I am working on. In a
related thread I made a preliminary announcement of this board, and here I
re-print the text:

This is the announcement of a rather aggressive update to my 8-bit memory
board, called the MemPlus. The board is being renamed to Mem8Plus to
emphasize its dedication to the 8-bit side of the S-100 arena. The
motivation for the original board design in 2005 was primarily to replace
my 64K dynamic RAM board as it was starting to have problems, and I had no
knowledge of this awesome group of S-100 enthusiasts to help me locate a
replacement. Called the MemPlus, it had (has) the following features all
on one S-100 board:

· 8-bit IEEE-696 compliant slave

· Two sockets for 32K x 8 static RAM chips

· Optional battery-backup for the RAM

· Two sockets for up to 64K ROM that overlays the RAM if/when

· Flexible ROM addressing – any size for either socket on any
256-byte start address boundary

· Optional wait-state generator for ROM addresses

· Optional 24-bit extended addressing

· Test Input port and test output port at FF. Input port used a
set of switches. Output port displayed on LEDs or hex displays.

· A hardware monitor with these capabilities:

o Display 16 or 24-bit address bus

o Display Data Out bus (or test output port, switch-selectable)

o Display Data In bus

o Display the important status and control signals on the bus

o A Run/Stop switch to stop the CPU freezing the displays

o A single-step switch that can step one M1 cycle or one any cycle at a
time, switch selectable

o A hardware breakpoint that can trigger on address only, set on switches

· Since the TIL311 displays are rather expensive, the board exists
with the option to use LEDs instead of hex displays

· The breakpoint address and test data input switches can use
either hex rotary switches, which are very convenient, or regular dip

· The Run/Stop, Step Type, Step One Cycle, Breakpoint Arm and
Output display switches are brought out to a convenient pod for ease of use.

· The display portion of the board is initially attached to the
main S-100 board. In this configuration, the board is 2.7” taller than a
standard board. However, it can be snapped off and mounted anywhere
desired. Then two inexpensive 40 pin ribbon cables (like standard PATA
disk drive cables) are used to connect the two.

The version two of this board has been in “spare-time” design now since
December 2014. It, too had some significant motivation: Last summer I
bought a version 2 of the IDE/CF board and built it hoping to augment my 8”
disks. Although it worked using the utility programs to write sectors and
such, I could not get it to work through CP/M 2.2. My BIOS is a mashed-up
mess of what used to be the California Computer Systems (CCS) CBIOS, which
has worked very well for me up until the IDE/CF board came along. After
hours of troubleshooting, I learned that it should be significantly easier
to get it working in a CP/M 3 system. So, I began research on how to
upgrade my system to CP/M 3. I learned a lot, and as a side-project, I
built a second S-100 system for testing and development (I announced on the
list that it was fully operational back a number of months ago.) One of
the biggest things I learned was that CP/M 3 runs a whole lot better in its
banked arrangement. But I only had 64K, and although I built a second 64K
board so I had 128K, I had no memory manager, and my CPU, the CCS 2810 Z80
board, is a straight Z80, with no memory management either. So, the
motivation was that I needed CP/M 3 to make using the IDE/CF board easier,
and I needed more than 64K of RAM to make a go with CP/M 3, and I needed a
memory manager to move up from 64K. Necessity is the mother of invention,
so I set out in late December to invent an upgrade to my MemPlus board with
the following goals in mind:

- · Retain the 8-bit slave flavor. I see lots of work being
done with 4M and 16M boards, all in support of 16 and 32 bit processors.
This is great and I enjoy reading about the trials and the successes.
However, I don’t see myself going there with my S-100 machines. (I have
MS-DOS on several machines built for it, including about 15 vintage PC’s
from the early to late 80’s.) Instead, I am happy with trying to do as
much as I possibly can with my Z80. I would entertain the idea of moving
up to, say, a Z180, but that’s a whole other story.

- · Increase RAM beyond 64K. With 512K static chips readily
available, two sockets would get me up to 1M. Plenty for any 8-bit
machine. This gives me enough RAM to run CP/M 3 in banked mode, with
several banks for disk buffers, etc. This RAM can be addressed linearly if
desired by any bus master. Include the ability to use 32K, 128K or 512K

- · Build a memory manager to handle the RAM on the board for
8-bit bus masters that have only a 64K address space, like Z80. With this,
I can make use of the RAM above 64K.

- · Retain the battery-backed RAM option and provide an easy way
to bypass it if not being used.

- · Drop one ROM socket – the second was never used on the
original board, and I don’t see much utility in it. The ROM can be 2K, 4K,
8K or 16K in size, set by a dip switch. Oh, and I got rid of all the ROM
configuration jumpers. When the ROM size is set by the dip switch, it
automatically configures the socket. (This method is employed for the RAM

- · The ability to address the ROM on any 256 byte boundary was
extreme as were the switches and logic to implement it. I dropped that
addressing in favor of a much simplified scheme that permits placement of
the ROM in 16 different locations above 8000H. Locations not supported can
be accommodated by re-programming the control logic (discussed later.)

- · Improve the wait-state generator to the circuit everyone
uses now to make up to 8 wait-states for the ROM. Modern static RAM is
sufficiently fast and I don’t believe wait state will be needed, even with
8 and 10MHz CPUs. (Note: my CPU is only 4MHz. I may be looking for a way
to test this design at 6, 8 or 10MHz.)

- · Retain the test ports, but permit their address to be any
I/O port from 00H to FFH.

- · Retain the heart of the hardware monitor, as described
above, and make the following enhancements:

o Add a slow-stepper mode of operation that will automatically step the
computer by anywhere from about 1 cycle per second up to about 1000 cycles
per second.

o Improve the breakpoint system so breaks can be triggered on nearly any
bus cycle (memory read, I/O write, Interrupt Acknowledge, etc.), any memory
address (including 24-bit addresses) and any data bus content. Also,
include a means of adding “don’t care” bits, so, for example, a range of
memory addresses could be selected and any of them hit would cause a break.

o Add front-panel-like memory operations: Examine, Examine Next, Deposit
and Deposit Next.

- · Retain the flexible display options.

- · Retain the flexible dip switch or hex switch input options,
and add the ability to use off-board switches.

- · Expand on the control pod for the main operational switches,
plus add on-board switches to mimic all functional operation, so the
control pod can be optional or disconnected and all the hardware monitoring
and front-panel operations can be done directly on the S-100 board.

- · Wrap up as much of the logic as possible into GALs to save
space. At this point in the design, there are 12 GALs on this board, a mix
of 16V8 and 22V10. There is a GAL for nearly every function on the board,
such as RAM addressing, MMU control, front-panel logic, etc.

- I have bread-boarded about half of this now, and hope to breadboard
and test the remaining in a couple of weeks. The only part of the design
that I believe is outstanding right now is the power supply. You probably
remember how I switched my machines over to a 5 volt buss running off a
switching power supply. Thus all the 5Vregulators on my boards are
bypassed. But for the sake of most others, I have to figure out the power
needs of this board and determine how I’m going to do the voltage
regulation. I like what several have done lately with the on-board
switching regulator, and if no one has a problem, I’m probably going to
copy it. I just got my v3 IDE/CF card today, so I’ll be looking into that

Now that I have left the cat out of the bag on this project, I welcome any
and all feedback, suggestions for additional improvement or notices that I
have gone off the deep end somewhere.

The KiCAD schematics are attached. I have a few updates to make that have
stemmed from my work on the GALs and some testing, but they are about 99%

Bob Bell
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