[N8VEM-S100:7218] Z80 CPU board setup issue
hlrjr via N8VEM-S100
2015-06-11 02:41:45 UTC
Hi everyone. I just finished building the Z80 board and I am having some
problems, so I am hoping that some of you have some ideas.

My system is the following:
V2-S100 Z80 Master CPU board
4Meg static RAM board
Prop I/O board

I have the Z80 board jumpered as master. I also have a simple switch for
reset. The RAM board is set for 1Meg only at 0000H.

After power has been applied and reset issued the following conditions

On the Z80 board the 'BUS Master' LED (D8) turns on along with the 'LOW
ROM' and 'ROM SEL' LED's
On the RAM board the 'BS' and 'R0' LED's light up. Also the 8bit read LED
and the 8bit write LED turn on.
Unfortunately nothing happens on the screen connected to the prop I/O

I have attached a picture.

I tried to follow the table for the Z80 board jumpers and basically
followed the examples.

My main concern initially was the ROM monitor program. The only program
available for downloading is version 5.02 which uses two 4K pages. I am
using a uv erasable 27C64 instead of the eerom 28C64 that is shown on the
S100COMPUTERS website.
I compiled the program as described and generated the master.com file, but
when I loaded this file onto my eprom burner the code did not match the
listing! I set the transfer to the buffer at F000H. However, the HEX file
looked okay, so I used that. Not sure that is right- I haven't burner roms
for many years.

So If anyone has any ideas or comments that would be great. I am up for any
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Gary Kaufman
2015-06-11 13:53:12 UTC
I don't have the sophistication/knowledge of may folks here, but at least
for me, getting an initial system working was a challenge.
I was able to make use of an ADC Super Six board to test out the ram and
serial port boards.

Some thoughts...

Jumpering and wiring connectors on the Console I/O board can be tricky.

Remember that the V5.02 monitor is going to read an IOBYTE at 0EFH, which
isn't present in your current system. It also needs to be assembled twice
for high and low page versions and then combined to burn the Eprom. I also
believe jumpering for 2764 and 28C64's are different, but would have to

Take a reasonable resolution pic of each board and post them, We can
compare jumpering etc or may spot errors.

I'd be happy to burn you a working 28C64 with V5.02

At least for me, almost every problem ended up being incorrect jumpering,
pins that weren't in the socket properly, need to resolder ground
connections, or flakey/bad/counterfeit IC's.

- Gary
Post by hlrjr via N8VEM-S100
Hi everyone. I just finished building the Z80 board and I am having some
problems, so I am hoping that some of you have some ideas.
V2-S100 Z80 Master CPU board
4Meg static RAM board
Prop I/O board
I have the Z80 board jumpered as master. I also have a simple switch for
reset. The RAM board is set for 1Meg only at 0000H.
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John Monahan
2015-06-12 15:59:34 UTC
Thanks and Good points Gary,

Could I add

The default mode for the Z80 (& 8086 & 80386) monitors is NO IOBYTE port present. I.E. the monitor will always read port EF as 0FFH. This will cause the monitor to expect the console I/O to come from the Propeller Console I/O ports (0 & 1) or whatever other arrangement you have programmed in the appropriate modules in your system. The “IOBYTE” concept arose from Roger Amadon’s Zapple’s monitor at TDL back in the late 70’s. It was carried on to CPM for redirection I/O.

I have used some bit’s to do other things with CPM as well, but its main use is in debugging hardware with the 8086 and later CPU’s.

You really have to be very careful with jumpers for earl y PROMS. See here for a summary:-


As the years go by we are getting better (I think) at laying out and labeling new boards. These days IC’s have their numbers outside the footprint. Jumpers have their function(s) in small fonts beside them and polarized caps/LED’s have their + terminal as a square pad.

That said, because of the way freerouter works in finding the shortest possible routes, the pin 1 of jumpers, LED, caps and resistor arrays is NOT the same across the board. Pin 1 is always the square pad but its orientation varies. Be very careful with this. A miss-orientated resistor array is very difficult to detect/debug/remove.

Finally I would like to point out that while I try to write-up build instructions is a step by step manner, errors do creep in. Don’t regard the write-up as “Gospel” is you notice a serious error please let me know.


From: n8vem-***@googlegroups.com [mailto:n8vem-***@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Gary Kaufman
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 6:53 AM
To: n8vem-***@googlegroups.com
Subject: [N8VEM-S100:7220] Re: Z80 CPU board setup issue

I don't have the sophistication/knowledge of may folks here, but at least for me, getting an initial system working was a challenge.
I was able to make use of an ADC Super Six board to test out the ram and serial port boards.

Some thoughts...

Jumpering and wiring connectors on the Console I/O board can be tricky.

Remember that the V5.02 monitor is going to read an IOBYTE at 0EFH, which isn't present in your current system. It also needs to be assembled twice for high and low page versions and then combined to burn the Eprom. I also believe jumpering for 2764 and 28C64's are different, but would have to check...

Take a reasonable resolution pic of each board and post them, We can compare jumpering etc or may spot errors.

I'd be happy to burn you a working 28C64 with V5.02

At least for me, almost every problem ended up being incorrect jumpering, pins that weren't in the socket properly, need to resolder ground connections, or flakey/bad/counterfeit IC's.

- Gary

On Wednesday, June 10, 2015 at 10:41:45 PM UTC-4, ***@aol.com wrote:

Hi everyone. I just finished building the Z80 board and I am having some problems, so I am hoping that some of you have some ideas.

My system is the following:

V2-S100 Z80 Master CPU board

4Meg static RAM board

Prop I/O board

I have the Z80 board jumpered as master. I also have a simple switch for reset. The RAM board is set for 1Meg only at 0000H.
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hlrjr via N8VEM-S100
2015-06-11 15:23:53 UTC
Hi Gary,

Thanks for responding. I am pretty sure that I didn't program the 27C64
correctly. I have a Minipro TL866CS that I bought awhile back to do some
programming, but I wasn't able to follow how to do the programming for the
low and high pages. Probably the best thing to do now is to take you up on
your offer to burn a working 28C64 with V5.02 so that I can get the system
up and running. Let me know cost and shipping.

I have also included pictures of the Z80 board and the 4Meg RAM board.
Hopefully the resolution is good enough to see all the jumpers.

As far as the console I/O is concerned I have been using it fine with my
8080 CPU board. However, I didn't think that I needed to change anything on
that board, like the firmware, to be compatible with the Z80 board.

Thanks again,

Harold Rothwell
Post by hlrjr via N8VEM-S100
Hi everyone. I just finished building the Z80 board and I am having some
problems, so I am hoping that some of you have some ideas.
V2-S100 Z80 Master CPU board
4Meg static RAM board
Prop I/O board
I have the Z80 board jumpered as master. I also have a simple switch for
reset. The RAM board is set for 1Meg only at 0000H.
After power has been applied and reset issued the following conditions
On the Z80 board the 'BUS Master' LED (D8) turns on along with the 'LOW
ROM' and 'ROM SEL' LED's
On the RAM board the 'BS' and 'R0' LED's light up. Also the 8bit read LED
and the 8bit write LED turn on.
Unfortunately nothing happens on the screen connected to the prop I/O
I have attached a picture.
I tried to follow the table for the Z80 board jumpers and basically
followed the examples.
My main concern initially was the ROM monitor program. The only program
available for downloading is version 5.02 which uses two 4K pages. I am
using a uv erasable 27C64 instead of the eerom 28C64 that is shown on the
S100COMPUTERS website.
I compiled the program as described and generated the master.com file,
but when I loaded this file onto my eprom burner the code did not match the
listing! I set the transfer to the buffer at F000H. However, the HEX file
looked okay, so I used that. Not sure that is right- I haven't burner roms
for many years.
So If anyone has any ideas or comments that would be great. I am up for
any suggestions.
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David Fry
2015-06-11 15:37:07 UTC
Hi Harold,

attached is a 8KB HEX file of the entire Z80 monitor v5.02 ( both 4K
pages), using your minipro just write the entire 8K HEX file to a blank
27C64 and see how you go.
This will at least help eliminate whether you compiled the two 4k pages
correctly or not.

Also check the Console I/O status bit jumpers P74,P75,P76 &P77 are correct,
if they are wrong then no video or keyboard


David Fry
Post by hlrjr via N8VEM-S100
Hi Gary,
Thanks for responding. I am pretty sure that I didn't program the 27C64
correctly. I have a Minipro TL866CS that I bought awhile back to do some
programming, but I wasn't able to follow how to do the programming for the
low and high pages. Probably the best thing to do now is to take you up on
your offer to burn a working 28C64 with V5.02 so that I can get the system
up and running. Let me know cost and shipping.
I have also included pictures of the Z80 board and the 4Meg RAM board.
Hopefully the resolution is good enough to see all the jumpers.
As far as the console I/O is concerned I have been using it fine with my
8080 CPU board. However, I didn't think that I needed to change anything on
that board, like the firmware, to be compatible with the Z80 board.
Thanks again,
Harold Rothwell
Post by hlrjr via N8VEM-S100
Hi everyone. I just finished building the Z80 board and I am having some
problems, so I am hoping that some of you have some ideas.
V2-S100 Z80 Master CPU board
4Meg static RAM board
Prop I/O board
I have the Z80 board jumpered as master. I also have a simple switch for
reset. The RAM board is set for 1Meg only at 0000H.
After power has been applied and reset issued the following conditions
On the Z80 board the 'BUS Master' LED (D8) turns on along with the 'LOW
ROM' and 'ROM SEL' LED's
On the RAM board the 'BS' and 'R0' LED's light up. Also the 8bit read LED
and the 8bit write LED turn on.
Unfortunately nothing happens on the screen connected to the prop I/O
I have attached a picture.
I tried to follow the table for the Z80 board jumpers and basically
followed the examples.
My main concern initially was the ROM monitor program. The only program
available for downloading is version 5.02 which uses two 4K pages. I am
using a uv erasable 27C64 instead of the eerom 28C64 that is shown on the
S100COMPUTERS website.
I compiled the program as described and generated the master.com file,
but when I loaded this file onto my eprom burner the code did not match the
listing! I set the transfer to the buffer at F000H. However, the HEX file
looked okay, so I used that. Not sure that is right- I haven't burner roms
for many years.
So If anyone has any ideas or comments that would be great. I am up for
any suggestions.
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Gary Kaufman
2015-06-11 15:41:13 UTC
Harold -

I should have your address, but email me privately and I'll get the EEprom
programmed and off to you tomorrow.

I've appended a picture of the way my Z80 CPU board is jumpered. It's a
bit different than yours...

- Gary
Post by hlrjr via N8VEM-S100
Hi Gary,
Thanks for responding. I am pretty sure that I didn't program the 27C64
correctly. I have a Minipro TL866CS that I bought awhile back to do some
programming, but I wasn't able to follow how to do the programming for the
low and high pages. Probably the best thing to do now is to take you up on
your offer to burn a working 28C64 with V5.02 so that I can get the system
up and running. Let me know cost and shipping.
I have also included pictures of the Z80 board and the 4Meg RAM board.
Hopefully the resolution is good enough to see all the jumpers.
As far as the console I/O is concerned I have been using it fine with my
8080 CPU board. However, I didn't think that I needed to change anything on
that board, like the firmware, to be compatible with the Z80 board.
Thanks again,
Harold Rothwell
Post by hlrjr via N8VEM-S100
Hi everyone. I just finished building the Z80 board and I am having some
problems, so I am hoping that some of you have some ideas.
V2-S100 Z80 Master CPU board
4Meg static RAM board
Prop I/O board
I have the Z80 board jumpered as master. I also have a simple switch for
reset. The RAM board is set for 1Meg only at 0000H.
After power has been applied and reset issued the following conditions
On the Z80 board the 'BUS Master' LED (D8) turns on along with the 'LOW
ROM' and 'ROM SEL' LED's
On the RAM board the 'BS' and 'R0' LED's light up. Also the 8bit read LED
and the 8bit write LED turn on.
Unfortunately nothing happens on the screen connected to the prop I/O
I have attached a picture.
I tried to follow the table for the Z80 board jumpers and basically
followed the examples.
My main concern initially was the ROM monitor program. The only program
available for downloading is version 5.02 which uses two 4K pages. I am
using a uv erasable 27C64 instead of the eerom 28C64 that is shown on the
S100COMPUTERS website.
I compiled the program as described and generated the master.com file,
but when I loaded this file onto my eprom burner the code did not match the
listing! I set the transfer to the buffer at F000H. However, the HEX file
looked okay, so I used that. Not sure that is right- I haven't burner roms
for many years.
So If anyone has any ideas or comments that would be great. I am up for
any suggestions.
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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to n8vem-s100+***@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
2015-06-12 14:34:56 UTC
Thanks for the help.

I downloaded the HEX file from David and burned it to a 27C64. That seemed
to program okay. Thanks.
I also checked my jumpers against the scan posted by Gary. Thanks. The only
difference that I found was the jumpers related to changing from the 27C64
to the 28C64 since these chips have different pin outs.

Now when I power up the Z80 I get a hashtag, #, appearing on the screen of
the console I/O. Not sure what that means but at least I got some response.
I have been using this propeller board for some time now with Josh's 8080
CPU and it works fine. I checked the jumpers but I used the jumper
configuration that is shown in the build steps on the website.

So, not sure what to do next. Any ideas would be great.
Post by hlrjr via N8VEM-S100
Hi everyone. I just finished building the Z80 board and I am having some
problems, so I am hoping that some of you have some ideas.
V2-S100 Z80 Master CPU board
4Meg static RAM board
Prop I/O board
I have the Z80 board jumpered as master. I also have a simple switch for
reset. The RAM board is set for 1Meg only at 0000H.
After power has been applied and reset issued the following conditions
On the Z80 board the 'BUS Master' LED (D8) turns on along with the 'LOW
ROM' and 'ROM SEL' LED's
On the RAM board the 'BS' and 'R0' LED's light up. Also the 8bit read LED
and the 8bit write LED turn on.
Unfortunately nothing happens on the screen connected to the prop I/O
I have attached a picture.
I tried to follow the table for the Z80 board jumpers and basically
followed the examples.
My main concern initially was the ROM monitor program. The only program
available for downloading is version 5.02 which uses two 4K pages. I am
using a uv erasable 27C64 instead of the eerom 28C64 that is shown on the
S100COMPUTERS website.
I compiled the program as described and generated the master.com file,
but when I loaded this file onto my eprom burner the code did not match the
listing! I set the transfer to the buffer at F000H. However, the HEX file
looked okay, so I used that. Not sure that is right- I haven't burner roms
for many years.
So If anyone has any ideas or comments that would be great. I am up for
any suggestions.
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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
David Fry
2015-06-12 14:56:12 UTC

check all the jumpers on your Z80 board again against Gary's picture which
agrees with my setup except for one jumper (JP9 which is a NC pin on both
the 27C64 and 28C64 anyway)

the key jumpers to check are JP8 should be 1-2, P39 should be 7-8 (yours is
3-4), there should be 4 jumpers across P8 to P10 (I cant see these on your
also P2 should be jumpered 3-4 (yours looks like 5-6)

if this doesn't work would you be able to get a sharper picture uploaded.


David Fry
Post by h***@gmail.com
Thanks for the help.
I downloaded the HEX file from David and burned it to a 27C64. That seemed
to program okay. Thanks.
I also checked my jumpers against the scan posted by Gary. Thanks. The
only difference that I found was the jumpers related to changing from the
27C64 to the 28C64 since these chips have different pin outs.
Now when I power up the Z80 I get a hashtag, #, appearing on the screen of
the console I/O. Not sure what that means but at least I got some response.
I have been using this propeller board for some time now with Josh's 8080
CPU and it works fine. I checked the jumpers but I used the jumper
configuration that is shown in the build steps on the website.
So, not sure what to do next. Any ideas would be great.
Post by hlrjr via N8VEM-S100
Hi everyone. I just finished building the Z80 board and I am having some
problems, so I am hoping that some of you have some ideas.
V2-S100 Z80 Master CPU board
4Meg static RAM board
Prop I/O board
I have the Z80 board jumpered as master. I also have a simple switch for
reset. The RAM board is set for 1Meg only at 0000H.
After power has been applied and reset issued the following conditions
On the Z80 board the 'BUS Master' LED (D8) turns on along with the 'LOW
ROM' and 'ROM SEL' LED's
On the RAM board the 'BS' and 'R0' LED's light up. Also the 8bit read LED
and the 8bit write LED turn on.
Unfortunately nothing happens on the screen connected to the prop I/O
I have attached a picture.
I tried to follow the table for the Z80 board jumpers and basically
followed the examples.
My main concern initially was the ROM monitor program. The only program
available for downloading is version 5.02 which uses two 4K pages. I am
using a uv erasable 27C64 instead of the eerom 28C64 that is shown on the
S100COMPUTERS website.
I compiled the program as described and generated the master.com file,
but when I loaded this file onto my eprom burner the code did not match the
listing! I set the transfer to the buffer at F000H. However, the HEX file
looked okay, so I used that. Not sure that is right- I haven't burner roms
for many years.
So If anyone has any ideas or comments that would be great. I am up for
any suggestions.
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Gary Kaufman
2015-06-12 15:37:55 UTC
Harold and David -

The picture I posted was confusing (sorry). The jumper on JP9 is only
on a single pin - so not really doing anything!

A few quick thoughts -

- Try a slower clock speed, like 2mhz for the CPU in case it's a timing
- Add wait states.
- Try a "HALT" eprom - just fill an eprom with 076H and see if the Halt
LED comes on.

- Gary
Post by David Fry
check all the jumpers on your Z80 board again against Gary's picture
which agrees with my setup except for one jumper (JP9 which is a NC
pin on both the 27C64 and 28C64 anyway)
David Fry
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Bob Bell
2015-06-12 14:54:09 UTC
I remember going through similar issues many, many years ago when I was bringing up my first S-100 CPM 2.2 machine, and wishing beyond hope that I had a front panel so I could troubleshoot such issues. But even then an Altair or Imsai was way beyond my college-student means. I assume you don’t have a front panel? I wish you luck without it, but keep your ears to the list, as I have something coming along in the not too distant future (I hope!) that might be useful for you.

Bob Bell

From: n8vem-***@googlegroups.com [mailto:n8vem-***@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of ***@gmail.com
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 10:35 AM
To: n8vem-***@googlegroups.com
Subject: [N8VEM-S100:7225] Re: Z80 CPU board setup issue

Thanks for the help.

I downloaded the HEX file from David and burned it to a 27C64. That seemed to program okay. Thanks.

I also checked my jumpers against the scan posted by Gary. Thanks. The only difference that I found was the jumpers related to changing from the 27C64 to the 28C64 since these chips have different pin outs.

Now when I power up the Z80 I get a hashtag, #, appearing on the screen of the console I/O. Not sure what that means but at least I got some response. I have been using this propeller board for some time now with Josh's 8080 CPU and it works fine. I checked the jumpers but I used the jumper configuration that is shown in the build steps on the website.

So, not sure what to do next. Any ideas would be great.

On Wednesday, June 10, 2015 at 10:41:45 PM UTC-4, ***@aol.com wrote:

Hi everyone. I just finished building the Z80 board and I am having some problems, so I am hoping that some of you have some ideas.

My system is the following:

V2-S100 Z80 Master CPU board

4Meg static RAM board

Prop I/O board

I have the Z80 board jumpered as master. I also have a simple switch for reset. The RAM board is set for 1Meg only at 0000H.

After power has been applied and reset issued the following conditions exist:

On the Z80 board the 'BUS Master' LED (D8) turns on along with the 'LOW ROM' and 'ROM SEL' LED's

On the RAM board the 'BS' and 'R0' LED's light up. Also the 8bit read LED and the 8bit write LED turn on.

Unfortunately nothing happens on the screen connected to the prop I/O

I have attached a picture.

I tried to follow the table for the Z80 board jumpers and basically followed the examples.

My main concern initially was the ROM monitor program. The only program available for downloading is version 5.02 which uses two 4K pages. I am using a uv erasable 27C64 instead of the eerom 28C64 that is shown on the S100COMPUTERS website.

I compiled the program as described and generated the master.com file, but when I loaded this file onto my eprom burner the code did not match the listing! I set the transfer to the buffer at F000H. However, the HEX file looked okay, so I used that. Not sure that is right- I haven't burner roms for many years.

So If anyone has any ideas or comments that would be great. I am up for any suggestions.
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2015-06-12 20:32:45 UTC
It works!!!!

Thanks to all of you. It turns out that I had the jumpers messed up.
Post by hlrjr via N8VEM-S100
Hi everyone. I just finished building the Z80 board and I am having some
problems, so I am hoping that some of you have some ideas.
V2-S100 Z80 Master CPU board
4Meg static RAM board
Prop I/O board
I have the Z80 board jumpered as master. I also have a simple switch for
reset. The RAM board is set for 1Meg only at 0000H.
After power has been applied and reset issued the following conditions
On the Z80 board the 'BUS Master' LED (D8) turns on along with the 'LOW
ROM' and 'ROM SEL' LED's
On the RAM board the 'BS' and 'R0' LED's light up. Also the 8bit read LED
and the 8bit write LED turn on.
Unfortunately nothing happens on the screen connected to the prop I/O
I have attached a picture.
I tried to follow the table for the Z80 board jumpers and basically
followed the examples.
My main concern initially was the ROM monitor program. The only program
available for downloading is version 5.02 which uses two 4K pages. I am
using a uv erasable 27C64 instead of the eerom 28C64 that is shown on the
S100COMPUTERS website.
I compiled the program as described and generated the master.com file,
but when I loaded this file onto my eprom burner the code did not match the
listing! I set the transfer to the buffer at F000H. However, the HEX file
looked okay, so I used that. Not sure that is right- I haven't burner roms
for many years.
So If anyone has any ideas or comments that would be great. I am up for
any suggestions.
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